If you've been dying to get your hands on Google Glass, especially since your buddy won't shut up about his, you just might have a shot at one of your own. Google has announced (to those who already have Glass) a new invite a friend option into their Glass Explorer Program. Mind you, that's just for an invitation to buy the beta product, which still costs $1,500.
The catch is that it's an "invite a friend" not an "invite everyone you know on Facebook" program. Just one person will get that golden ticket from each Glass-wearing friend. And it just wouldn't be sporting if there weren't other caveats to boot. If you do get that invite, you'll also have to get your butt to either San Francisco, Los Angeles or New York so that Google can personally hand you your new toy. You also need to be at least 18 and a US resident.
If this all still sounds like you, get out there and start schmoozing it up with that friend of yours. A few drinks on your tab just might mean a chance to purchase a shiny new Google Glass in your future.
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