Sunday 18 August 2013

Check you meal’s sodium levels with The Handy Salt Meter


The older we get, the more we realize just how much we should be paying attention to the food that we put in our body. It starts out with watching how many calories we’re eating, then cholesterol, and eventually, you’ll even be looking at the sodium content of your meal. However, when you’re in a restaurant, you might not be able to get a straight answer about just how much salt is in your food. If you have a health condition that depends on you knowing this detail, you’ll need a little extra help finding this out.

The Handy Salt Meter is probably the easiest thing you’ll find for measuring the salt content of a dish. You just stick it in your food, wait a few seconds, and an LED will light up to indicate the percentage of salt contained within. The results are even color-coded, so you can easily see just how dangerous the levels are.

There are limitations to the device, unfortunately. This is only going to work on hot, liquid foods, due to how the sensor takes readings. So no poking your steak to see how salty the seasoning is, or anything like that. The Handy Salt Meter will set you back just under $20.

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